Friday, December 4, 2009

Update on the SAMA Show.

Well, I just found out that I was not accepted to be part of the Society of American Mosaic Artists show. I can't say I'm not disappointed. I was very much hoping to be a part of that show and I think that I entered a pretty fine piece of work. But that is the risk of putting yourself out there, and I am most definitely not disappointed that I tried.

I think that this part of being an artist, putting yourself out there and facing the possibility of rejection (and even in many circumstances, PAYING for the privilege of being considered and then rejected) is the part that holds so many people back. It's one thing to create art that is unjudged by anyone other than friends and family. Another step to put it out in public to be viewed and possibly purchased by someone. But it has been the most difficult step of all, for me, to enter my work into a competition where it is judged by professionals in my media. And I didn't make it this year.

I believe that next year will be better.


  1. I agree with what you are saying about putting work out there. And its a good exercise in becoming more confident in our work, as there will always be rejections and people who don't dig what we do. And people who love it. Good to strengthen one's own belief in what you are doing...

    And your piece is beautiful.

  2. Jackie,

    You are the best artist I know. As you know, I am picky but mostly because you taught me to be! Have faith and keep going. I don't know why they didn't choose yours, but if you keep putting yourself out there, someone will see what we already see... that you are the best!
